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Homing Pigeons - Teach Your Birds Come Home!

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Never hurt it or else it will not trust you anymore. Likewise, it is important to teach your pet to go back on the perch. The best way to do it is by moving it close and giving the command like "up". Training the Bird to Go Back Inside the Cage Racing pigeons love to fly. After all, that is their essence of being birds. It is then referred to as the "uncontrolled competition". It is likewise considered an aerial race wherein there are thousands of competing birds yet there are no spectators. Nevertheless, it is the sport that involves one of the most amazing creatures and feathered friends of man. That is no other than the Homing Pigeon. Dampness is a main source of problem because it is generally the breeding ground for parasites and germs. Therefore, make certain that you change the uneaten food and untouched water. Dry the area every time there are spills and moisture. If there is a noticeable amount of food left, cut down on the amount that you give the bird. They do fly in the air, often have colorful feathers, and truly make the environment more wonderful. The pigeons are not only beautiful but are likewise considered to symbolize peace. Nevertheless, due to their beauty and ability to be trained, more and more sports racing enthusiasts have gotten so hooked into these birds. Their inputs would be very helpful especially on how you can get the right racing pigeons even when you're on a budget. 2. Find A Suitable Loft Before you start purchasing racing pigeons, you must first find a suitable loft design. It doesn't have to be large nor expensive; you just have to make sure that it would house your birds comfortably. The shelter, specifically called "loft" for a pigeon house, comes in different styles depending on your desired functions. Most pigeon fanciers build multiple lofts in order to separate the males from the females as well as the young from the mature ones (or the unmated from the mated). The former is being done to have full control on breeding while the latter is often for pigeons which are not yet identified whether male or female. 

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