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Rhodiola, cuando y como tomarla. Tu Farmaceutico Informa - #PlantasMedicinales

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More than just a fad, herbs like the Rosea Rhodiola, also called roseroot or golden root, is very popular because they actually work. And even though to some the name may be relatively new, the Rosea Rhodiola has long been used by olden cultures for a variety of health reasons. And because they are highly effective and virtually cheap, they are now enjoying immense popularity around the globe, especially in Europe and Asia where they are usually found and have long been a part of their culture. To do this, we should be able to effectively activate our relaxation response right after when we are engaged in a stressful situation or our body engages its fight or flight response. To do this, we can avail of the stress relief benefits that Rosea Rhodiola is best known for. Recent studies from reputable clinics around the world have reported that Rosea Rhodiola is an effective alternative treatment for stress reduction. Balance can be achieved by giving chance to alternative means in getting out of a rut and feeling good about ourselves. And Rosea Rhodiola is one of the natural dietary supplements that can provide you with a dozen ways of getting your groove back, and one of this is by relieving you of the stress that plagues you. Today, it has maintained its status as an integral part of the health community although it is not applied to other health conditions previously thought of. Being an adaptogen, a herbal supplement that is used for the promotion for alertness, awareness and metal health, many herbalists consider the Rosea Rhodiola as a good supplement for the prevention of anxiety. But you may wonder, if Rosea Rhodiola is so good, then why are we hearing about this only now? Well, mostly because it originates from Europe where it is known to thrive in their mountainous regions and extreme cold weather. Where its roots were gathered and taken in the body in the form of tea or as an extract. Laboratory and clinical studies have not exactly pinpointed how the Rosea Rhodiola works in treating health conditions but they have broken down the compounds that can be found inside the root of the plant. These compounds have been isolated into six, namely, Monoterpernes, Flavonoids, Triterpenes, Phenylpropanoids, Phenylethanol derivatives, and Phenolic Acids. 

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