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What is Rhodiola? Top Health Benefits

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The fact that it was only after the Cold War was over that Rosea Rhodiola was shared, along with studies made on it, to America would show that this medicinal herb is one of the best secrets that Russian intelligence had. Legend has it that Russian authorities frequently provided their troops and agents with extracts from Rosea Rhodiola to help them ward of stress and to keep them alert and healthy. Cortisol is an essential hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is mainly involved in the regulation of blood pressure, release insulin for maintaining balance in blood sugar levels, and necessary for inflammatory responses, immune functions, and for proper metabolism of glucose. Also called the stress hormone, it is highly produced when the body is stressed and when we shift into a fight or flight mode as a response to a stressful situation. Plus, because the Rosea Rhodiola has high levels of antioxidants, they are able to control free radicals from doing oxidative damage to our nervous system. This frees our nervous system from any physical and emotional stress and would strengthen our resistance against them. Persons who have been subjected to these tests have shown increased memory and enhanced cognitive functions. These benefits mainly surround the areas where there is improved performance, such as the promotion of mental performance, the reduction of various stress levels, promote better and deeper sleep, enhance stamina, endurance and energy, uplift the mood of a person, and improve sexual performance. There are still numerous health benefits that can be derived from Rosea Rhodiola extract but those mentioned above are what have been touted as the top and immediate benefits that are realized. Understanding the Rosea Rhodiola Extract Better It sounds like an ingredient for baking or cooking, but the Rosea Rhodiola extract goes farther. It may not have the taste to make a delectable meal, but it does have the compounds and components to make a simple delectable meal extremely nutritious. NO, you don t mix the powder in when you cook, but rather, the Rosea Rhodiola can be taken like a vitamin or supplement and ingest it prior to a meal, preferably 30 minutes before your breakfast or lunch. These side effects also often occur to those who ignore expert advice and do not seek professional consultation and often would take a high dosage. Many experts agree that the reasonable amount of Rosea Rhodiola ingestion would be around 340 to 680 milligrams a day in tablet form. Also, it is safe to use the supplement continually for up to ten weeks. 

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