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This rough grainy effect will help the paint to adhere to the metal. With metal actually being smooth the paint will have a hard time sticking to the smooth surface. This is why it is important to wet sand the metal first. A base coat should be applied to the metal before any airbrush art design is started. In a dual action airbrush the trigger controls both the air flow and the paint flow. Beginners should really take the time to practice on how the trigger works so that they can perfect their ability to airbrush. Your airbrush will have a back lever as well that acts to shut off the air flow and paint flow when the trigger is released. Airbrush art goes on quickly thus saving lots of time compared to henna as well as airbrush art is waterproof. Unlike henna lots of exposure to water still will not fade your tattoo. Where it would take an artist 6 hours to pain on a large henna design the same artist could airbrush the design on in around 30 minutes. This video will go into all the details that you will need to know to create your own airbrush art caricatures. These designs are great on t-shirts, canvas and if you really want you can put then on your car. After all art is all about imagination and showing off your creative imagination. advancing your techniques and learning new design methods can help you to advance your airbrush art. Depending on the size of your stencil you can probably create more than one stencil from this plastic folder. If you purchase the see through folders then you can use these for stencils even if you are limited to tracing your design onto the plastic folder prior to cutting it into a stencil for your airbrush art. See where I am going with this? You just took two things you seen incorporated them both together turned them into something else and now you have a unique floating cloud playground. Inspiration can also come from books as well. Go to the library and check out some art books to help you get some inspiration to get you going again with your creative design. 

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