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How to improve your SELF-ESTEEM: the second step is the tricky part

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We know for a fact that parents only act according to what they deem appropriate or best for their children. However, doing the best don't necessarily mean that they qualify to the universal standard of being the best. In fact, there are so many cases when their bests may have been a mediocre standard for others and in some cases, their best is no good at all. From your inner self comes the voice that would tell you what to do and how to do them. It would help you see the stock that you have- your talents, your skills, the crafts that you can do, the stuffs that you are really good at and all attributes that it can use to positively reinforce you. This inner voice, in a sense, will lay everything in your front. Everyone is built for recognition, for achievement, for fame. The capacity to be confident of oneself was not given by random, it lies in all of us. Like with all other things we are in equal standing with that of the fellow sitting next to us. The difference though lies in our personal treatments of the capabilities that we were endowed with. Be like an eagle who has unearthed himself from the mud of being a chicken. Chickens are meant for slaughter. In the same way, if we choose to be chickens then we would have to accept the reality that our purpose would be defeated. That is, to give glory to the Universe who has kept us in her arms and fed us with everything we needed. We normally have the common notion that life is unfair when in fact, it is not. We all have our shares of blessing and our shares of challenges. It just lies in our perception of things and the manner by which we handle things. The same thing goes with self confidence and self esteem. Many of us think that the man we are looking up to shared much of life's blessings because he can bear himself better, he can face the public better and he is much eloquent and more confident than most of us. You may not have realized it but you are a genius in your own fashion. A philosopher once said that all men have an innate beast within him. True and we can actually see these beasts manifesting in our daily affairs. Yet this truth does not negate the fact that all of us has an innate genius struggling to come out. 

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