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If You're Struggling with LOW SELF-ESTEEM - WATCH THIS | Jay Shetty

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Therefore, we have no excuse that we were not given the chance to improve with each experience. You see, improving self confidence is just a matter of becoming mature. If you will become complacent with the idea of setting back to lack of achievement and recognition then you will fail to comprehend that life is more than mediocre living. A good way to gain self confidence also lies in your goal setting. People tend to set higher goals than what they can truly achieve. This occurs because many believe that by setting higher and often unrealistic goals, they will be motivated to achieve more. The fact is, with higher expectations come more frustrations. Everyone has an equal chance for recognition yet many of us fail to share with the limelight because we surrender even before the battle begun. If you would want to share with what the world offers, you must be brave enough. Nothing should stop your from living your life, not even the miserable demons of low self confidence. Well, this principle worked rarely though this does not negate the fact that this works. However, everyone here is a mercenary on his own. He must act where everyone sees him before he is actually seen. Silent workers are almost always left behind. Once we are deprived of recognition, we begin to break down and retreat within ourselves. A Philosophy to Increase Your Self Confidence Everyone takes pride with all the things that we posses. May it be the achievements that we had, or the present living that we were able to produce, each one of us has become an achiever on our own. Many of us may have denied this truth though. But you see, it is obvious- everybody is capable of doing anything only if we give our hearts into it and we set our minds in doing it. Low self worth is a state that is closely associated with feeling of unimportance, sadness, depression, inadequacy, diminished sense of self, insecurities, self loath and an over all sinking feeling. Letting a child live in these conditions would deprive him of options for growth. Instead, he would have to endure self-sabotaging behaviors and decisions that are manifested through low self confidence. 

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