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You may already have heard the phrase- "its all in the mind". And to many psychological and emotional conditions, we can actually say that everything is all in the mind. They rooted and develop from the mind and so, the antidote might as well come from the same source. You can always condition yourself to feel the way you want or to feel the way you don't want. It is not that other people's opinions must rule our lives. Though we often realize that unless people notice us, we would continue to believe that we are of no great value. Thus, our physical presence is one of the most ideal concept we can adapt when starting to build our confidence and self esteem. Many of us may not have enough of the self confidence that we can boast to our children but we can always take advantage of the chances that were given to us to let our children boast of the confidence that we have given them. Wont you get proud if you succeed in this aspect of parenthood? Think of this as an exchange of benefits. Development of self confidence may suddenly dawn on you. The realization would come as if something breathed life into you and awoke you from a long sleep. From your inner self comes the voice that would tell you what to do and how to do them. It would help you see the stock that you have- your talents, your skills, the crafts that you can do, the stuffs that you are really good at and all attributes that it can use to positively reinforce you. Though the effects vary largely, at times these may be subtly felt and at times, we feel like our reactions to stimuli are commanded by our perception of things. Children don't know these things though along with other things that are essential to living life fully. They are not even aware that the juncture they are presently into is the peak of initial development. He failed to discover his potentials and real self and thus, he died a chicken- ever longing to become one of those to which he truly belongs. Every one of us is an eagle. We are all capable of flying to the maximum of our potentials. Unless we spread our wings and dare to discover our real self, we will forever be bounded by our failure to transcend heights and become the real people that we were meant to become. 

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