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Single Parent Stories: Vina Morales, Karla Estrada, Ruffa Gutierrez, and Sunshine Cruz | Couch Talk

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Shrubs that keep in the way such as entrances or walkways will make it hard for you to escape when an offender gets into your house. - join in a community watch program in your neighborhood. One of the burdens of single parenting is that your safety even at home is at stake since you are all alone with your kid. Tips On How To Survive Single Parenting No one wishes to be a single parent but circumstances sometimes dictate that you take on responsibilities that you have not expected. For single parents who have chosen to raise their children alone, the burden is not as hard as with the burden of a single parent whose partner left them with the responsibility. Ideally, raising a child should involve the mother and the father since they could attend to the different needs of the child. But when there is no way to mend the failing relationship, it would be best to opt for single parenting than to sacrifice not only one's emotional health but of the child as well. Instead work on your relationships with your parents, relatives and friends. You can also get some help from the community. There are a lot of organizations out there that help single parents. Some offer free babysitting services or a free play group class for parents who need to work and have no one to leave their child with. Early Responsibility One of the hardest parts perhaps in being a single parent is to make sure that your child is well provided for. If you do not have the support of your parents, this can be hard, even impossible. You need to rent a house and pay for food, milk and diapers. Some, especially those who have to work, also need to pay for babysitting services. Single mother by choice is a case of single-parent "family" Single mother by choice is an option for women who want to practice single parenting. A popular example of a woman who choose single mother by choice is Academy Award-winning actress Jodi Foster. She is a proud parent of two children and without a husband. 

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