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The real effects of single-parent households | Stephanie Gonzalez | TEDxCarverMilitaryAcademy

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If you feel that you can't work and be a parent simultaneously, you have to find a way to provide for your child's needs while you are being a full-time single parent. If this won't work, you should never stop finding a set up that would work best for you and your child. To be able to develop the best single parenting formula that would work for you and your child's needs, you should always be positive on your outlook in life. Ways to reach out to support networks - Swallowing a little pride and confiding some of your concerns to your family and friends will lighten your parental load. It will also help if you let your family and friends bond with your kids on special occasions or on weekends. For single parenting support groups within your community, you may check: singleparentsnetwork. For their partners, the task of taking care of the child is even harder because there is no support from the other partner and because it is also not their choice to assume the responsibility alone, this can be a pretty hard situation to be in. This can happen to those who have gotten pregnant before marriage or those who have gotten married and then got divorced. This is not meant to scare you off your responsibility or to make you feel upset or depressed; it is meant to make you understand what you are going into so that you will be ready for the challenges ahead. 1. Financial situation This is perhaps what most single parents are having problems with. Remember that you do not only have to take care of yourself. Attending the child's needs in school These days, many children find schooling challenging because of harder subjects and demanding time. But, the present school set up can be more to those kids who are being raised by single parents. If you are a single parent and you don t want your child get affected by your separation, you should exert more effort in helping them especially in dealing with their assignments. Single parents should only date when they met somebody by chance and felt in their gut that they can be serious with that person or when the person is recommended by a friend and therefore, a date that is already filtered. If it is some random guy or gal that you do not really know and have no initial feelings for, better save your effort for another one. 

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