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Depending on the progress of patients, treatment sessions are normally reduced to once a week and then to once every other week, to once a month until the termination of treatment. The first concern of the treatment program is patients use of cognitive secondary mannerisms. This process focuses on elimination of the use of avoidances, substitutions, and circumlocutions. It might be because of technological advances, groundbreaking designs, and great marketing techniques. Several types of this kind include masked auditory feedback (MAF), delayed auditory feedback (DAF), frequency altered feedback (FAF), and the ones that provide combinations of the different altered auditory feedback patterns. Scientific evidences later developed based on neurological motor and sensory deficits. These genetic abnormalities are combined with motor control deficits, learned behaviours, and psychological deficits as combined cause of stuttering. Following these theories, still several pharmaceutical agents are invented to cure the disorder. Treatment If the condition is only mild, you must learn how to handle it on your own. It will help if you are going to find out what s causing the problem. What makes you feel nervous when you are talking with other people? Why can t you speak to a large crowd or why can t you look directly to the eyes of the person you are talking to? First conducted in 1987 Germany, this therapy program was named after Van Riper from whom it took several of its basic underlying principles of treatment. It is called the Van Riper Program as Intensive Interval Therapy. It is called interval because of its block schedule system a five-day duration of segments with six to eight weeks between the segments. That means it affects young children at a stage when they are learning how to speak and form language. Children who are still in the process of developing their speech and language tend to stutter when they speak. It occurs when children rack up their brain for the right words to convey their message. 

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