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Your doctors will likely rule out any associated medical conditions first. Some medications or diseases can bring about a lot of the symptoms of an anxiety attack and so these need to be determined and dealt with first in order to eliminate any possible other issues. A change in medication or a diagnosis of another disorder may in fact cure the panic and anxiety attacks. With a sign of anxiety attack, it could just as likely be a symptom to a great misdiagnosed problem as it could be a sign of anxiety attack. Seeking good professional help is the most important key to solving this mystery. Fear is your body’s natural reaction to a lot of outside stimuli. It is normal for the body to react in such a way as to become anxious or fearful because this often protected our ancestors from a lot of problems and harm. If possible try to exercise before bed, or at least sometime in the evening; even a short walk can be helpful. If the problem still persists, or just seems too frequent to be caused by just these issues, then it would definitely be wise to consult a doctor. If you are a frequent panic attack sufferer then you probably already have a normal physician. In this case, panic attacks have several organizations that are not interested in turning a profit but rather want to help those suffering with this affliction. These sources are here to offer assistance, not make money, so their information is generally accurate because it is in their best interest for it to be. Any imbalance of these chemicals can provoke a cause of anxiety attack expressed through feeling depressed or sad. Genetics Anxiety disorders are also inherited as they tend to run in the family, thus passing it on from one’s mother/father to the son/daughter or any other close relative. The structure of the brain and its process are inherited in totality and that can be another reason why people with chemical imbalance can pass on the anxiety disorder thus, being the cause of anxiety attack. So now that we know the basic relationship between alcohol and panic attack experiences, does that mean that a panic attack sufferer is not allowed to drink? The answer is surprisingly, no. A person who experiences panic, even frequent panic, is not disallowed to drink. What is considered a no-no is the excessive use and abuse of alcohol. 

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