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Say no to interruptions that you can do without. The greatest time stealer between the phone, the visitor, the prolonged break, the e-mail and the chit-chat is the never ending "do you have a minute?" approach. Whenever possible say no. Allow a time each day that is dedicated to projected time lost. Too much or too little of it and we will not function as effectively as we should. Stress management is therefore not about eliminating the stress but hitting the balance. Stress management differs from an individual to another because people respond to stress differently. Depending on their point of experiences some people have developed high tolerances for it while some have not. Different Approaches to a Time Management Course Time management started a long time back but has become most popular now as the demands placed on us by conflicting interests are on the rise. Time management then deals largely with how to manage things that are largely work related. Today, time management courses have been developed that encompasses practically all the hours in our daily affairs. It takes away the surprises that make life more enjoyable. It makes life so regimented to limit freedom. On the other hand a person who have learned enough time management and have applied them have more predictable results, have better direction and purpose, are more successful and often ends up with more time in hand. If you are like most of us, taking away the time required for sleeping and rest, personal hygiene and grooming, time needed for meals and snacks, travelling and other personal necessities will leave you with 90 hours for the week that you can divide for work and leisure. Depending on how it is perceived and used, the 90-hour window spells much of the difference between planning and control or being on the other side of efficiency and production. It eliminates also much of the stress that are often the result of unmanaged time. Time management skill differs from individual to individual. Some have inkling for this while young and puts it to practice that benefits them most as they age. Some learns it through experience while others through other people and seminars. 

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