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Time Management: The Unexpected Enemy to Success | Amanda Jones | TEDxYouth@MBJH

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Allow a time each day that is dedicated to projected time lost. - Find out why you are wasting time and have a realistic plan not to fall into the same pattern. - Prioritize work from the most immediate to the least and work from there. You can also start from the work that you like doing least. This action plan allows you to somehow maintain your pace as the day moves on. Time and attendance management systems bring automated collections, and manpower allocations. It also reduces unnecessary overtime increasing accuracy throughout the organization and saving time and money on human errors that accounts for erroneous entries on payrolls. Time and attendance management is a solution that is used by many companies today to analyze working patterns whether on a fixed, flexible or annual working patterns. When stress are at manageable levels, it tends to work for us by giving us a sense of immediacy that spurs us to work, even makes us excited about ourselves and our tasks. Too much or too little of it and we will not function as effectively as we should. Stress management is therefore not about eliminating the stress but hitting the balance. It is the ability to say no and the ability to reject time stealers. Time management is delegating things when there is a need for delegation, deciding on things with dispatch when the need arises and developing the ability to spot potential problems before it can occur. Having the ability or training to do that makes the now truly a present that only people who can manage the self as he relates to time can really enjoy. Directing Personal Time Management Effectively To begin personal time management, it will be good to look at first on how much time is really available for us and having a good grasp on how much is that time worth. Everyone has 168 hours to spend every week. If you are like most of us, taking away the time required for sleeping and rest, personal hygiene and grooming, time needed for meals and snacks, travelling and other personal necessities will leave you with 90 hours for the week that you can divide for work and leisure. - What you control then out of the 168 hours is 60. Use it well. Many students will want to use that to improve their standing in class. And so they will devote time to studying more. They will set their priorities and make the best out of it. But do not forget the TV, the phone and the socializing only have it scheduled. 

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