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TIME-management: the SECRET to 4.0 GPA w/ 8 hr of sleep and a LIFE | Ft. my digital planner

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It also reduces unnecessary overtime increasing accuracy throughout the organization and saving time and money on human errors that accounts for erroneous entries on payrolls. Time and attendance management is a solution that is used by many companies today to analyze working patterns whether on a fixed, flexible or annual working patterns. No one has really conquered time all of the time but the few that made the most out of it are richly rewarded When we say time management however, what it generally refers to is its better use so that productivity and efficiency are increased because today, to continuously be competitive whether in business or in personal affairs, time management is crucial. The following is a simple illustration on how time blocks should be assigned to ensure that time divisions are set for the achievement of basic goals. The Two Main Hour allocation Fixed/Given Time = 113 hours every week. Keeping a good balance between the activities involves determining of what should really be accomplished first and so on. If you would want to start at a better date when all things start falling into place, it will never happen. Besides that is the best way to loose time. That is procrastination. When you have already heard about it, read about it or been trained to do it, do it already. It does not matter if you do not know all the rules, somehow you will learn because people are like that. Limit giving in to temptation of engaging in small talk when priorities are set and being worked on. Respect you decision in planning and you are on your way. Delegate. Be realistic about the things that you can and can not do. Delegate the things that you must. Floating work There are tasks that you can do anywhere that doing them now will only complicate your main task at hand. Time management books are also good guides and reinforcement to those who have attended a time management course and want to update themselves and get a fresh view from another. One of its best advantages aside from costs and comfort is that it can be learned at the reader's own pace. Good skills are learned that way, a little at a time. 

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