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Those truffles that grow under the roots of oak trees are the most pungent, while those that grow in the roots of lime trees are the most aromatic. The flavours found on a truffle is complex, which is why they are best combined with bland food in order to draw out its flavour. They are highly perishable, which is why it is important for truffles to be consumed immediately after harvesting. Chinese Truffles These truffles actually consist of three species with varying flavors: Tuber indicum, Tuber sinense, and Tuber himalayanse. Tuber indicum has fine white veins and brown meat, while Tuber sinense has huge ivory veins and dark brown flesh. The latter type of Chinese truffle is oily and chewy and leaves a bitter taste to the tongue. These types determine mainly their appearance, size, color, shape, texture and its price in the market. Among these types, the most expensive and rare type is the White Truffle. Also called, Alba Madonna, this truffle type is usually found in Italy, specifically in around the city of Alba and also available in Croatia. Cooking with Truffles: Tips for Enhancing the Flavor of Your Truffle Recipes What better way to add an exquisitely earthy flavor and strong aroma to your dishes than adding some truffles? Truffles are a special kind of mushroom with wrinkled and irregular shapes. The difficulty of finding them and their scarcity make them all the more valuable and of course, expensive. Common Sources of Truffles: Where to Find Them History has it that truffles trace their roots to France. Others say that truffles had been part of Roman and Greek civilizations, mainly as a delicacy, medicine, or even an aphrodisiac. Regardless of where the very first truffle fungus sprouted, this mushroom is found practically everywhere in the world, albeit in different amounts. Yes, you can find them in every part of the world, but it takes a great deal of hard work, time, patience, and knowledge about various truffle species to be able to collect these precious finds. And you can correctly guess that it s their being elusive that makes them seductive, what with the human nature that drives people to want anything that is difficult to attain.
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