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There are also other types of Chinese Truffles including the tuber melanosporum which are usually made into truffle extracts and is sold at a high price; the tuber himalayensis which looks very similar to the tuber melanosporum an is only harvested in the Chinese Himalayas; the tuber sinensis, which are also found in high places and the Chinese summer white truffle. Such an appeal may seem strange especially to those who have never seen a truffle in their entire life. Or even to those who think truffle smells like a combination of weird stuff or that of what a male pig gives off to sexually attract female pigs. Okay, that might make you cringe. But then, the fact that truffles elicit a sensual feeling cannot be dismissed outright. Italian White Truffles or Piedmont Truffles Found in the mountains of southern Yugoslavia and central and northern Italy, Piedmont truffles grow near beech, hazelnut, oak, and poplar trees. Truffle enthusiasts regard Italian white truffles as the best truffle mushrooms next to the Perigord. However, this truffle variety costs more than its superior counterpart. Common Sources of Truffles: Where to Find Them History has it that truffles trace their roots to France. Others say that truffles had been part of Roman and Greek civilizations, mainly as a delicacy, medicine, or even an aphrodisiac. Regardless of where the very first truffle fungus sprouted, this mushroom is found practically everywhere in the world, albeit in different amounts. Not only does it make you pay less for a lighter pack of truffles, but it also allows you to see what you are actually buying. Check the truffles for softness and firmness. Truffles with soft spots tend to have worms in them. Avoid buying such truffles. Also, don t buy truffles that are rubbery, slimy, or spongy. Eat them raw. Cooking truffles, especially the white varieties, is not a good idea because it only decreases the strong natural taste. Pair them with the right food. Although truffles can be mixed with any food, certain varieties best complement certain types of food. 1. Oregon white truffles - The most versatile among all types of truffles, Oregon whites are perfect for a wide range of foods.
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