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Don t store the truffles for too long, lest they ll lose their flavor. Truffles easily diminish the strength of their flavor, so consume them soon after you purchased them. Use truffles sparingly. They re not like garlic or bell peppers that you can add to your dishes in generous amounts. Remember, these mushrooms already have strong smell and flavor, so a few slices or a little shavings will do. Since they are grow underground and among roots of trees, truffle hunters would usually have an assistance of a pig or a truffle-sniffing-dog to find these belowground mushrooms. The time to look and gather truffles is very intensive. Truffles are also low in abundance. Nowadays, in an attempt to meet the demand for truffles, there are some Americans who are growing black truffles commercially. Some truffle hunters use a staff to make the pig back off once it finds a truffle. 3. Know that laws the govern truffle collection in your area You can t just head over to the forest and go on with your truffle collection adventure without knowing first if it is allowed in your area. For example, truffle hunters have to take a test and get license first before they can collect truffles. For people who don t consume fats and carbohydrates especially to those who are having Western diets truffles are very ideal since it is an excellent source of protein. 2. It is also a moderate source of carbohydrates. The main component of truffles and mushrooms in general is carbohydrates composed of glycogen and chitin or also called the fungus cellulose which is a structural component of the fungal cell wall. If you are going to buy summer truffles, it must be golf ball-sized with only minor flaws. Choose truffles that have dark exterior colors and white or light color in their exterior. They should also smell musky or earthy for white truffles and pungent for black truffles. If you can t smell anything or you smell something like ammonia, then look for other truffles. In fact, there are several studies citing mushrooms and fungi to have to ability to lower down serum cholesterol. However, it should be taken into consideration that although mushroom and truffles have no cholesterol and low in fat, the method of cooking them would usually require them to be infused with butter or oil.
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