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Because they are very hard to find. Since they are grow underground and among roots of trees, truffle hunters would usually have an assistance of a pig or a truffle-sniffing-dog to find these belowground mushrooms. The time to look and gather truffles is very intensive. Truffles are also low in abundance. Despite that lack of proof of the truffles mystical power, their smell makes you want to inhale it over and over. It s difficult to exactly describe the smell. All you can say is that truffles smell pungent, earthy, musky, and sensual. That being said, you can more accurately say that people perceive the aroma of the truffle based on the olfactory response it evokes, not so much on its real smell. These mushrooms grow only in humid and warm climates. In Europe, for example, truffles can be found mostly in the forests of Italy and France. In America, you can find them in the forests of Washington and Oregon. 2. Enlist the help of your animal friends Dogs and pigs are the most common animals used for hunting truffles for their uncanny sense of smell that can detect the presence of truffles in an area. Technically, truffles are mushrooms that don t have stems and are usually found under the ground usually under oak, pine, beech, and pecan trees mostly in Europe including various parts of Italy, France, Slovenia and Croatia. In Asia, some varieties are found in China as well as in Middle East while there are also some types native to North Africa. The winter white truffle is best known for its garlic-like flavor and musky smell. This truffle is not really white in color; it is actually yellowish. Winter black truffle - Native in European countries like France, Italy, and Spain, the winter black truffle is typically harvested between November and March. In each type, there are variations in sizes, colors, shapes, textures which can either be smooth or wrinkled and even in taste. Usually, the taste of truffles is greatly compared to garlic mixed an earthiness flavor. It tastes like mushroom only made more pungent with the aroma of garlic. In the field of culinary, truffles are usually served raw.
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