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ASK UNMC! What causes athletes foot and how can I avoid it?

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Usually dermatologists are just associated with face skin problems like acne problems but dermatologists actually care for skin problems on any part of one s body including the feet! Since Athlete s Foot start out with rashes or skin redness it is but normal to have a dermatologists check the irregularities in skin condition and usually the dermatologists are able to identify Athlete s Foot and suggest cures for the existing condition. Technically, athlete s foot is caused by a fungal infection that transpires between the fourth and fifth toes of a person. It is caused by a fungus that grows on or in the top layer of human skin that result to infections. Fungi the primary cause of athlete s foot are known to thrive in warm, dark, and moist areas like inside of the shoes. An athlete's foot infection is characterized by dry and scaly skin on the sides of the foot and can become itchy. Cuts and blisters may also develop which break the skin and leaves small raw skin areas exposed that can become painful. Such conditions usually occur right between the toes and can really become a very nagging problem. Tinea pedis can often be founding moist places such as poolsides or shower rooms in gyms and spa houses. The fungus can survive for some time in puddles of water, which may be stepped on by people. When these happen, the fungus will adhere to the skin of the foot and voila, you have the start of an athlete's foot. Home Cure For That Common Foot Infection If you are suffering from a serious bout of athlete's foot, it is something that you should really be taking care of immediately. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that is caused by dermatophytes. Also known medically as tinea pedis, athlete's foot starts as the fungus is gets its way into your foot through a variety of ways. If the case is serious, oral treatment with griseofulvin is usually advised because these provide long lasting cure. Aside from curing the skin condition through the use of either topical or oral medication, a patient suffering from athlete s foot can also treat the infection by keeping proper hygiene. 

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