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What Does Athletes Foot Look Like There are other conditions that mimic Athlete s Foot that we should be aware about like that of simple disturbances in the body s sweat mechanism, reaction to certain components of the shoes like dyes or adhesives with weird chemical combinations, eczema and psoriasis. Prevention For That Embarrassing Fungal Foot Infection Athlete's foot can be a nagging problem for anyone. It is caused by a fungus that can cause itching, inflammation and blisters. The foot becomes a thriving breeding ground for such type of fungus because they provide a dark and humid environment which encourages fungus growth. People who suffer from this condition will often find redness and tenderness in the affected areas. The skin may also crack not only from scratching but also because of the fungal infection. When not treated, the areas may develop into blisters and the toenails may become yellowed and thick. Athlete's foot, despite the name, does not only affect sports people. Practicing bad foot hygiene can allow the fungus to thrive and breed easily. The fungus lives off the dead skin cells in your foot and it will be just a matter of time until the symptoms of the infection becomes evident. With the infection slowly developing, the skin surrounding your foot becomes dry and scaly. Another great product that can help prevent or treat the problem is an athletic pair of socks. These socks can help keep your feet dry especially when you are on the go. The sweat in your feet and the moisture in the feet after showering can be absorbed by these socks, thereby keeping your feet dry. It is however important that you change your socks often. Topical medications or topical antifungal agents that has miconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine and a keratolytic like salicylic acid are usually given to the patient to kill the fungus. However, topical medications only cure the infection of about 30 percent once the medication is applied. That is why doctors suggest that the patients use the medication for a specific period of time for the fungi to be eliminated.
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