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Bowling For The First Time, LIKE A PRO!

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Add 10 points (for the strike) to the total number of pins that was recorded in the previous box and write it down in the totals area of that particular frame. 6. If a second strike followed the first one, add 10 points for the first strike, another 10 for the second, but before closing the tally for this particular frame, record the number of pins that fell on the next frame's first attempt. There are more than 120 countries belonging to the International Bowling Federation, which claims that there are about 110 million people who now enjoy bowling. They call bowling centers 'alleys' and there are different sizes of alleys and gimmicks used to lure patrons to play the game. The largest bowling alley in the world contains more than a hundred bowling lanes. These rules are taken very seriously by those who frequent the alleys, so it's a very good idea for beginners to learn a bit about the sport and its expected bowling lane etiquette. Bowling itself dates back thousands of years into the history of man. It is believed that bowling pre-dates written history. The commonly used pins are 4.75 inches in their width and they stand 15 inches in height. Their standard weight is 3lb. 6oz. but there are also pins that are now allowed (beginning in 1998) that weighs 3lb. and 10oz. Bowling pins are made by gluing blocks of hard maple wood together. Makers of bowling pins use these blocks to create the pin shape by using a lathe. Strikes that are made on three successive attempts are called a turkey and they are scored as triple. The score of the initial strike is 30. The maximum score that a player can get is 300. To do this, he needs to make 12 strikes consecutively. There is also a spare, which is scored when the pins that were left standing after the first delivery were knocked down on the second delivery. It resembles that of the "walking exercise" that most health buffs do; the only difference is that there is more weight involved. This is because in bowling, your hands are holding the bowling ball. Consequently, as you swing around to hit the pins, the flexing and stretching provides adequate exercise for your tendons, joints, ligaments, and muscles in the arms. 

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