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How to Make Interactive Bowling Game From Cardboard!

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It is believed that bowling pre-dates written history. As the years marched forward, so did the game and along with it the rules of the road. From ancient man and the courts of English kings to local alleys in cities all over the world, bowling alley etiquette has evolved into what players of today expect. Practice your approach until it s second nature. You can practice your arm swing outdoors with a bucket of water with a small hole at the bottom. The water drops on the ground will mark the path of your arm and the direction the ball would go. It s a good way to see if you arc around your body when you bowl and which direction your arm is going. The maximum score that a player can get is 300. To do this, he needs to make 12 strikes consecutively. There is also a spare, which is scored when the pins that were left standing after the first delivery were knocked down on the second delivery. Both deliveries should fall in the same frame. A spare is then marked with a "/" in the smaller square on the upper right corner of the frame. The reactive resin bowling ball provides more hook possibility and power than the other two options. The pro-active ball is considered more of a tournament player's weapon. It offers the most friction and the best reaction in oil. This type of ball is generally the most expensive. Weight. This is another very important consideration. Lunge into the front leg, feeling a pull in the calf of the other leg. Keep your back straight when doing this. Hold for eight counts and then switch. Ankles Standing up straight, place your hands on your hips (or hold on to something for balance) and raise one leg up, bending at the knee. Point your toes to the floor, and then rotate your foot to loosen up the ankles. Experts contend, however, that this kind of shot is not very successful in that it does not attempt to take full advantage of the dragging the power of the bowler. 2. Stroker With this kind of technique, the bowler relies more on precision than strength. This technique is characterized by employing the "by the book" style of playing that entails the proper execution of even movements, keeping square shoulders to the target all the way through the release of the ball, and maintaining an on-time move at the "foul line. 

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