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In fact, you don't really need to have a particular occasion to be able to host a themed party, or any party, for that matter. If it's your child's enjoyment that's on your mind, you can have a themed party every day for the rest of month, if your budget and energies permit it. Themes are not exactly gender exclusive. Make sure you also tell the same animal once to another child. Let each child know that there is another person that is similar to the farm animal given to him or her to act like. Throughout this party the children should ask to one another yes and no questions. They should eventually figure out who is the same animal as him or her. If you're preparing for a themed event, get invitations that coincide with your theme. If a regular party is more up your alley, then invitations with cutesy characters or fun colors will do the trick. However which way you intend to design your child's birthday party invitations, be sure they reflect how fun you expect your kid's party will be, to entice his or her guests to come and join in. " the children must pass on the apple from their neck to the next child's neck without dropping it. They must only use their neck and chin and the children disobeying would be disqualified. The last person should wear a hankerchief to indicate that he or she is the last. When the apple reaches the last person, he or she should run to the game master keeping the apple in the same position on his neck. A child's party that has only a simple theme is just not enough, and what would be the result of having a simple party for your kid? You would have to steel yourself for disappointed look on his or her face. You would not want that, would you? Well then, you have to create a party that is unique and special, the kind of party that not only your kid, but also your child's guests, will remember for their entire lives. Make sure you inform your guests what kind of party you're throwing so they can bring their suits and a change of clothes. Animal Party You can rent out farm animals and bring them to your yard for the kids to pet, or you can ask your guests to bring in their own pets. This birthday party idea not only opens the kids' eyes to different kinds of animals, but also enhances their social skills.
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