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You can even ask your kid to draw on it prior to the party. Pinata Perhaps one of the most common elements of traditional children's birthday parties is the pinata. To make one, use a grocery bag garbed with nice and colorful ornaments and paper, and fill with various kinds of goodies and sweets. This game requires space and adult assistance, because it involves the use of a stick. Have your child and the guests dress up as their favorite object or character. This needs some amount of preparation but it well worth the effort, especially after you've seen how cute everyone looks on the pictures. Water Party You can do this in your backyard, if you have a pool, or rent out an area near the beach. Character Party You can do this kind of children's party two ways: either you choose a specific cartoon and revolve the party's theme around it, or you can hold a costume party of different characters. This child's party requires some level of preparation, but costumes are available for sale or rent everywhere, so it shouldn't be too difficult. The children are to be blindfolded except if they are young and don't wish to be. They take a bat or stick, swing at a suspended container and try to open or break it. Remember to put goodies in the container or else the game will lose its objective and will be a lot less fun. To make this is very much simple. Below are several children's birthday party games you might want to consider: 1) The "Who Am I" Game When the young guests arrive, stick a picture of an object or an animal on their backs and tell them to ask each other questions that can only be answerable with "yes" or "no" to guess what was written there. If this is too much work for you and you feel you might not have the time to sit down and plan everything, you can hire a professional party planning expert to do the dirty work for you. As with all parties, the key goal of the party your are planning is enjoyment - your child's, in particular. Hence, you must always keep his or her welfare in mind whenever you make decisions about how the event is carried out.
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