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Causes and treatment for heartburn

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Also, heartburn can also be a symptom of acute myocardial infarction as well as angina. If you have been told to administer vicous lidocaine and it relieved you of symptoms 5 to 10 minutes after the administration, it is very likely that the heartburn is esophageal in origin. But, you still have to keep in mind that this does not rule out that it can be caused by heart related illnesses or diseases. You won t be able to sleep because of the pain and also reduce your activities because of the discomfort you will experience from heartburn. So, if you are experiencing heartburn, you may be wondering when you should seek professional medical help. You have to remember that heartburn can be managed and controlled through lifestyle modifications as well as the use of antacids or acid blockers. Mild heartburn is not that serious and you may even consider it more of a nuisance than an actual condition that should be taken seriously. However, if you are suffering from a chronic heartburn, you may want to take this more seriously as this can cause severe complications that can really have a devastating effect on your body. For example, eating an apple a day together with a glass of lukewarm water can help lessen the frequency of heartburn. You can also consider consuming baking soda with water, which is also known as a very effective heartburn remedy. Although this may not taste as good as a soda, this will help heartburn sufferers by eliminating gas bubbles in your stomach. This will give the acids a chance to decrease before your body is in a position where heartburn will likely occur, which is lying down. If you are a smoker, then you should quit smoking as the nicotine content in cigars and cigarettes can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, which is basically the muscle the controls the opening between the esophagus and the stomach. So, by changing our diet, you will be able to find relief from heartburn and even decrease its frequency. This means that you may need to give up or limit some of the foods you eat in order for you to prevent experiencing heartburn. So, what are the foods that you can eat and what are the foods that you should avoid? 

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