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Reducing Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic

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Although heartburn may suggest a form of heart disease, it really doesn t have anything to do with the heart. Heartburn is basically a digestive problem, which occurs when the acid inside our stomach comes in contact with the esophagus lining. This causes irritation, which ultimately causes heartburn. This will help get rid of toxins inside your stomach and significantly reduce the amount of stomach acid being produced. These are some of the lifestyle changes that you need to make in order for you to prevent heartburn or at least reduce its frequency. If none of these things work, then it may be time for you to seek professional medical help as the heartburn you are experiencing may be a sign of a far more serious health condition. If you are already throwing up blood or passing blood in your stools, experiencing dizziness, severe pain or light headedness, have difficulty in swallowing, feeling of dehydration, and you lost weight unintentionally, this is the time that you should call your doctor and go to the hospital. What the doctor will do is conduct a series of test in order to determine what is causing you to experience chronic heartburn. Another option that you can do to treat heartburn is to take natural supplements that are known to treat heartburn. Today, you will find plenty of food and dietary supplements known to manage and treat heartburn. For example, eating an apple a day together with a glass of lukewarm water can help lessen the frequency of heartburn. Because of the location where pain is felt, heartburn is often mistaken for chest pain caused by heart attack. However, you need to remember that you should never try and second guess yourself when you feel chest pain for any reason. It s also easy to mistake a heart attack with heartburn, which is why you have to seek medical attention immediately after feeling any type of chest pain. By knowing about the common causes of heartburn, you will be able to have an idea on how you can prevent it from happening to you or at least reduce its occurrence. First of all, you need to know that heartburn, despite its name, is in no way related to any heart condition. Heartburn is primarily a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in contact with the esophagus. 

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