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Mayo Clinic Minute: Heartburn Treatment Options

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Heartburn: Foods to Eat and Avoid For Treating Heartburn Heartburn is an age old condition that millions of people experiences. Also known as acid reflux and pyrosis, heartburn is in no way related to the heart. As a matter of fact, heartburn is a digestive condition. Heartburn happens when we regurgitate stomach acid and when it reaches our esophagus. If the stomach acid travels beyond the esophagus and makes its way in to your mouth, you will experience a bitter or sour taste. This is called regurgitation and is common after eating meals especially when you lie down, bend over or strain. You need to keep in mind that frequent heartburn means exposing your esophagus to stomach acid for long periods of time. If you suffer from heartburn on a regular basis, you may need to treat it in order to prevent heartburn attacks or at least lessen its frequency. Although mild heartburn is more of a nuisance than a real condition, chronic or severe heartburn can be something much more serious. Chronic heartburn will not only prevent you from living a normal life, but it can also be very dangerous to your overall health. You have to remember that heartburn occurs when the stomach acid travels up or refluxes in to the esophagus. In most cases, this happens when you lie down after having a big meal. Heartburn can cause a painful burning sensation on your chest and this can really prevent you from having a good night sleep. They are known to be the most potent in neutralizing stomach acid and are very popular among people who suffer from heartburn. When taking drugs, always remember that you should follow the instructions in the label. Never take more than the recommended daily dose. In most cases, people take antacids right after meals and before they go to bed. Usually, they are taken twice a day and they provide relief from heartburn within 30 minutes of taking it. You have to remember that although it can be purchased over the counter, you still need a doctor s prescription for higher doses. If you still continue to experience heartburn, the doctor may recommend adding a drug, such as metoclopramide. 

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