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With fewer toxins, the stomach will have an easier time digesting food and will produce less acid. The seventh is to wear loose fitting clothes. Wearing tight clothes can produce a lot of pressure on your stomach, which will force stomach acid up to your esophagus. The eight is to have ginger tea whenever you feel heartburn symptoms. You should also avoid foods that trigger heartburn. This means that you have to avoid ingesting coffee, fatty foods, alcohol, and acidic fruits, such as oranges and other citrus fruits. Chocolates should also be avoided as well as peppermint and onions. Wearing loose-fitting clothes can also help prevent heartburn. Smoking also weakens or relaxes the LES as well as certain medications. Pressure on stomach and eating large meals shortly before bedtime can also cause heartburn. Stress will also cause heartburn as this increases acid production and slow down the emptying of the stomach. So, in order to manage heartburn, you may want to start by making some lifestyle changes. You also need to remember that some exercise routines can cause heartburn. Some exercises can reverse the flow of digestion, which will force stomach acid back in to the esophagus, which will cause heartburn. These exercises include somersaults, forward rolls and other exercises that require you to be upside down. In some cases, more than one of these drugs are prescribed in order to cure or treat a case of chronic heartburn. In rare cases, chronic heartburn may be accompanied by a condition called Hiatal hernia. This will require surgery in order to treat heartburn. You also need to keep in mind that lifestyle changes are important in order to treat heartburn permanently. Smoking is one of the main triggers of heartburn. The nicotine you inhale will increase the production of stomach acid and it will also weaken the LES or the lower esophageal sphincter. The LES acts as a valve which is primarily responsible for keeping stomach acid inside the stomach and prevent it from reaching your esophagus.
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