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The first is that it may be because of a weakened lower esophageal sphincter or LES. This is the valve that keeps the stomach acid inside the stomach and prevents the acid from coming in contact with the esophagus. A weakened LES is one of the most common symptoms of GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. GERD is a disabling disease that can hinder you from living a normal life. Aside from heartburn, GERD has other possible symptoms, such as belching, bad breath and inflamed gums. You can treat GERD with H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, and antacids. Another contributing factor for heartburn is Hiatal Hernia. In short, heartburn can prevent you from living a normal life. This is why a lot of people buy over the counter medicines to ease the pain caused by heartburn. You have to keep in mind that over the counter medicines can work for mild cases of heartburn but if you are suffering from a severe case of heartburn, then you may want to try consulting your doctor as this may already be a sign of a more serious illness. If you are already throwing up blood or passing blood in your stools, experiencing dizziness, severe pain or light headedness, have difficulty in swallowing, feeling of dehydration, and you lost weight unintentionally, this is the time that you should call your doctor and go to the hospital. What the doctor will do is conduct a series of test in order to determine what is causing you to experience chronic heartburn. This device is called endoscope and is used to examine the esophagus as well as the stomach. Endoscopy will help the doctor see if there is any evidence of esophageal inflammation and biopsies may be taken if necessary through this method. Treating heartburn will depend on the underlying cause. Antacids may be given to treat GERD and gastritis and antibiotics may be given if H. However, if you are suffering from a chronic heartburn, you may want to take this more seriously as this can cause severe complications that can really have a devastating effect on your body. If you have been diagnosed with GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, the heartburn you will experience will be chronic and severe.
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