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However, the mentioned remedies will only give partial or temporary relief to people suffering from severe or chronic heartburn. The main cause of heartburn is when the stomach acid backs up or refluxes to the esophagus. This can happen for several reasons. The first is when the lower esophageal sphincter or LES is weakened or relaxed and doesn t do its job properly. Basically, the sphincter acts as a valve that prevents stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. When it is relaxed or is weakened, stomach acid can get through the sphincter and eventually irritate it and cause heartburn. So, just what causes the sphincter to weaken or relax? There are certain foods that can weaken the sphincter. Heartburn happens when stomach acid comes in to contact with our esophagus. You have to remember that stomach acid can reflux or travel back up inside our body. When stomach acid comes in to contact with our esophagus, it will cause irritation and we will feel that burning sensation that starts in our diaphragm all the way to our chest, which is basically what we all know as heartburn. If you are suffering from nighttime heartburn, the best thing that you can do is to elevate your head when you lie down. But, don t try using more pillows to do this as this can worsen heartburn as it will increase pressure on your stomach. Instead, try to elevate by placing a wedge under the mattress or by placing 6 inch blocks under the head of the bed. Spicy food can get your stomach to produce more acid, which will increase the likelihood of you experiencing heartburn. Fried and fatty foods should also be avoided as this type of food is hard to digest, which will force your stomach to produce more stomach acid. You also need to drink plenty of water. Although mild heartburn is more of a nuisance than a real condition, chronic or severe heartburn can be something much more serious. Chronic heartburn will not only prevent you from living a normal life, but it can also be very dangerous to your overall health. You need to remember that when acid reflux or heartburn occurs, your esophagus will get damaged.
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