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Heartburn: What Is It and Why Should You Be Concerned Whenever you drink beer, you feel something burning inside your chest located just behind your breastbone. It s painful and it rises into the chest and radiates to your neck, throat, and angle of the jaw. You feel like vomiting but nothing comes out but just a bitter taste in your mouth. You have to remember that heartburn can be managed and controlled through lifestyle modifications as well as the use of antacids or acid blockers. When these methods stop working and heartburn continues to bother you despite the fact that you are doing everything you can to manage it, this is the time when you have to seek medical help. People have been trying to find ways to ease heartburn pain as this condition can really be painful and it can prevent you from living your life normally. First of all, you need to know that heartburn is in no way related to any heart related diseases. As a matter of fact, heartburn is a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in to contact with your esophagus. Heartburn: Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Prevent Heartburn Thanks to man s innovation and advancement in technology, we are now able to live comfortably and easily. However, it also brought us problems that we need to learn to deal with. Primarily, the comfort and convenience of modern life have increased the risk of heart related diseases, such as hypertension and stroke. It also irritates your esophagus and will loosen the sphincter, which is primarily responsible for keeping stomach acid in the stomach and prevent it from coming in contact with the esophagus. Another option that you can do to treat heartburn is to take natural supplements that are known to treat heartburn. They are known to be the most potent in neutralizing stomach acid and are very popular among people who suffer from heartburn. When taking drugs, always remember that you should follow the instructions in the label. Never take more than the recommended daily dose. In most cases, people take antacids right after meals and before they go to bed.
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