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Try eating around 3 tablespoons of honey during the day and before you go to bed. Aloe Vera juice is also effective as a natural remedy for heartburn. This is because Aloe Vera juice is a natural alkaline liquid. When you drink Aloe Vera, it will neutralize the acidity in your stomach and it also helps in the healing process of the LES tissue. When this happens, you will feel a burning sensation that starts on your diaphragm and work its way up to your chest. And, in most cases, you will even regurgitate and experiencing having a sour or bitter taste on your mouth. This is mainly the stomach acid reaching your mouth. Heartburn is painful and it can really stop you from doing any of your daily activities. Home Remedies for Treating Heartburn: Simple Ways to Manage Heartburn Millions of people from different parts of the world experiences and suffers from heartburn. Although there are medications, which are suggested by doctors that can help with this condition, these medications may not always be helpful. Heartburn: Self Care and Medical Treatments Available Today, millions of people experiences heartburn. Some have mild cases of it while others have chronic or severe cases of heartburn. If you are also experiencing heartburn, then it would be wise if you follow these tips in order for you to properly manage or control it and prevent it from taking control of your life. While mild heartburn can be treated easily through lifestyle modification and over the counter antacids, chronic heartburn is far more complicated to treat. This is because chronic heartburn may indicate that you may be suffering from other medical conditions that are far more serious, such as Barrett s esophagus, Hiatal hernia, esophagitis, or GERD. And, only a small percentage of the adult population suffers from what is called a chronic or severe heartburn. Basically, chronic heartburn is where the problem lasts for long periods of time and it occurs with a much greater frequency. If you suffer from extremely painful heartburn more than twice a week, then you are suffering from chronic heartburn.
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