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These are the home remedies that you can do in order for you to manage heartburn effectively. Remember these tips and you can be sure that heartburn will not take control of you life and you will also lessen your dependency on medications to treat heartburn. So, the next time you experience heartburn, you may want to cut down on fatty food and eat an apple a day. This causes irritation, which ultimately causes heartburn. A lot of people suffer from heartburn and it usually happens right after a big meal. Some people experiences heartburn once a month, which is a mild case of heartburn and others experience it almost every day, which is a chronic case of heartburn. Aside from heartburn, GERD has other possible symptoms, such as belching, bad breath and inflamed gums. You can treat GERD with H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, and antacids. Another contributing factor for heartburn is Hiatal Hernia. This can also cause you to experience persistent heartburn or pyrosis and if it is already affecting your quality of life, surgical intervention may be needed to treat the problem. Proton pump inhibitors may also be prescribed by your doctor if you continue to experience heartburn. This type of drug will prevent the stomach from secreting acid. Usually taken once a day, these drugs are usually very effective in easing heartburn symptoms. And, these drugs are usually prescribed if no other drugs helped your heartburn condition. It irritates that esophagus and causes a burning sensation that starts on the diaphragm and make its way up just behind the breastbone. In most cases, it is also accompanied by a bitter and sour taste, which is mainly the stomach acid making its way in to your mouth. So, what causes stomach acid to flow up to the esophagus? Your esophagus may get damaged and this may lead to difficulty in swallowing. In more serious cases, you may even lose weight and become frequently dehydrated. In rare cases, you may vomit blood or have small amounts of blood in your stool. However, these are uncommon but you still have to be on the lookout for the signs and symptoms. 

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