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As the iguana grows, you should be able to make changes in the size of its cage rather than shifting it from one cage to another. It is advisable to go for a bigger cage from the beginning. That will provide more freedom to iguana for moving around. Food: Now coming to the food to be given to your pet iguana, naturally it should be given a healthy food. However, herbivore does not signify that iguana will eat any plant. To keep them healthy and to maintain their growth, they should be given a balanced and nutritious diet. It may constitute green and leafy vegetables and other food. You can add some lettuce. If you cannot find the leafy vegetables, find out the other green vegetables and fruits. Thermal injuries: Burns and thermal injuries can come, if iguana comes in direct contact of heat sources in their enclosure. The main cause can be exposed hot rocks or light bulbs and heaters. It is necessary to look for the safety of pet and keep all these things out of their reach. The bacterial infection: The iguana can be infected by many kinds of bacteria. The pets will get habituated in the shelter in tank with the water. You can provide lukewarm water in tank for iguana to have bath. Sunlight: Natural light and sunrays are most important for your pet iguana cantina for their health. They get vitamins and minerals from sunlight and should be exposed to sunlight at least two to three hours daily. You can follow a diet plan for them in consultation with an expert. The iguanas normally eat plants, vegetables and fruits. They should not be fed food containing animal protein. They may relish pizza and all junk food, but that is not good for their health. Give them a limited quantity of vegetables. The red iguanas are becoming very popular as pet like green iguanas and you can often find them in the back garden or inside the homes. You have to provide for certain necessities to bring up iguana in the new environment as a pet. Proper shelter: First of all the iguana is to be provided a proper dwelling.
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