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The nest can be created with some media like using 100% potting soil and the eggs can be buried under it. The other option is using equal quantity of sand and potting soil. Third option is using100% sand. Female iguana can dig 100% play sand easily and make the pits for eggs that can also be used. It should be ensured that the nests are safe from pest. If they are exposed to sunlight, they get Vitamin D3 calcium and phosphorous from ultraviolet UVA and UVB from sunrays. You can use different types of artificial lights, which produce the ultraviolet rays. However, the sunrays are the best. To make the iguana get sufficient quantity of the vitamins and mineral, they should be able to get exposure to sunlight to maximum possible extent. In case you want to keep iguanas as pet, you should note a few important points as dos and don'ts with them. The enclosure of your pet iguana should be cleaned regularly. It should be big enough to accommodate the pets for moving freely and feel comfortable in it. There should be sufficient lighting. Selection: If you want to keep giant green iguana as a pet, you should select the healthiest iguana. You can easily find the difference between a healthy and un-healthy iguana. The iguanas are very energetic, vigilant and quick. The unhealthy iguana is not fast and may just stay where it is. Just examine the body and all parts of iguana you want to select. This variety of iguana is mostly found in rocky plains of Eastern and Southern Africa. These have lengths up to eight inches and they lay the eggs like other iguanas. They are also cold blooded and easily adjust to their environment. These iguanas are insectivores and eat mealworm. They also like crickets coated with powder containing calcium and vitamins. These are either made of Plexiglas or the ordinary glass. The base layer growth of the organism can be made from newspapers easily. The other suitable alternatives are the inner as well as outer carpeting, linoleum lining or artificial glass. You should not use mud, soil, sand and bark as these will breed pest in them and cause damage to iguanas.
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