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Aside from pain relief, better blood circulation could also result into better sleep. Aside from that, magnets could also stop or intervene with muscle contraction and spasms. Spasms would only tighten the muscles and joints which could make movements or the area more painful. Medical magnets could help in relaxing and decreasing muscle tightness. Drinking magnetised water could help in reducing inflammation in the bowel. When absorbed the gut and bowel lining, the magnetised water can helping in balancing the magnetic field of the digestive system. One thing to keep in mind though, is that although magnet therapy can help in weight reduction, keeping the pounds away is not only about using magnets. Other diseases that magnet therapy is also known to give relief are diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hardened arteries. It also promotes sound sleep, calms the nerves, and assists the relief of drug addiction. Magnet therapy In laymen s terms, magnet therapy is an alternative non-medical method of treating discomforts brought about by injuries and other medical causes. On the other hand, an overly relaxed muscle needs more energy, thus needing the use of the north-pointing end of the magnet. Drooping shoulders In cases of drooping shoulders (one side is dropped and the other is raised), magnets can do the right corrections. The lowered end of the shoulders needs the strengthening north-pointing pole. Thicker magnets with a large diameter produce a stronger, deeper penetrating magnetic field than a smaller and thinner magnet with the same gauss rating. The overall strength (and effectiveness) of a magnet is determined by its gauss rating, its thickness, diameter and spacing. Past and present therapy Various old cultures have been known to have used magnets for pain relief and other symptoms. It had also been observed that injuries register a south-positive energy at the time of the injury itself. In the healing process, the injured site registers a north-negative energy. It is here that the north-negative magnetic field was discovered to possess healing qualities. Some precautions Because the body s own electromagnetic fields are affected by the weakest of magnets, several precautions are given in the use of magnets. 

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