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Magnets used to treat painful disease that affects millions

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People are starting to become more aware of this. In fact, America has spent $46.3 billion in 2004 for weight loss products. Diet books, exercise videos, weight loss camps for children, adult facilities, weight loss surgeries, nutritionist diet plans, hospital-clinic diet plants, diet pills, health clubs are low-calorie dinners are among weight-reduction products and items that American spend their money on. The studies are not that conclusive since the results showed improvement, the effects or the statistics are too minimal be considered significant like in the study published in the The New York Times in 2009 by Anahad O Conner. Although, there are medical professionals and institutions who are still sceptical of the effects and benefits of magnets on arthritis, the number of people who are interested in trying out the alternative method are increasing. For arthritis with pains limited to the fingers, a neo magnet can be taped to the affected joint. Or, you can wear a magnetic wrist band. For back pains, have four magnets about one and a half inches on either side of the spine, two on each side. If the magnets are cumbersome to put on and remove, have a three to four-inch ceramic strip magnet or magnetic back brace on your back instead. The hot food and liquid will keep the body warm during the magnetic treatment. If you do need to take meals, do the therapy at least after two hours of eating a full meal. Very strong magnets should not be used in sensitive areas. The brain, heart and eyes are areas that you should avoid applying strong magnets to. In those days, magnet types and sizes have not been correctly assessed. However, only a privileged few were the ones allowed to use them. . Many theories and myths on their use came about later. Some of them were in conflict with each other causing confusion even among the practitioners. Some of these old stories have lingered until today. With the use of medical magnets, the positive ion from the injured area is removed, thus returning the body to its normal negative state. This would allow the blood to circulate easier and allowing oxygen to be distributed in the injured area and cells. Medical magnets are easy to use and applied. You just have to make sure that it ll come in contact with the injured part of the body. 

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