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In effect, the studies showed that profit-sharing extended to non-managerial employees had increased productivity more than what the profit-sharing scheme with managerial workers did. Benchmarking also raised labor productivity by 6%. Computers To date, computers have also played a significant role in productivity increase (12% output) compared in the 80 s when equipment investments accounted for 7% output growth. Baldamus (1961) points out that as the word efficiency has no scientific fundament, we are inclined to assume without question that to maximize efficiency is desirable if not indeed the chief purpose of industrial enterprise. Writers have related the preoccupation with efficiency to the development of a measurement cult that precludes many of the less quantifiable but essential ingredient of a successful enterprise. In the equation Multifactor Productivity=Output/(KLEMS), K is the capital services, L is labor services, E is for energy, M stands for materials and S refers to the purchased services. The equation is a complicated index number. The purpose is to arrive at a figure of the change in output relative to the change in all the inputs. You may be highly competitive and competent, but for sure, your drive and motivation may not be as strong and determined if you do not have firm, realizable or practical goals in mind. Let such goals be your guidance as you strive to keep within the path to success. On top of all these, positive disposition surely would help. If you just keep thinking of the past, this will serve as a reminder of your failure. And if you keep thinking about your defeat, you will undergo a never ending cycle of blaming yourself for the things that you did not really opted to do. - set your own pace. While it is true that being competitive is a key in terms of achieving goals, there would always be times when you will get tired of running after so many things because you don t want other people to finish before you. There is need, therefore, to combine and unify these differing views and techniques. Basically, this is simply to be able to come up with a better and more comprehensive understanding of the concept of productivity. However, in discussing productivity, different authors had allocated the use in different ways such terms as measurement , evaluation , performance , improvement , and productivity . 

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