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Productivity and Growth: Crash Course Economics #6

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MRT MRT (mutual reward theory) is an incentive program where the organization assists an employee to reach his or her goals. This is accomplished while sill meeting the company s production goals. The greatest rewards are achieved when the benefits are at an optimum for all persons. Usually, productivity is directly proportional to the degree of success of MRT. In comparison, the focus on the output value is grouped as a financial productivity. Suppose that company X had produced 100 units of products in the first and second week. However, the selling price was raised from $1.00 to $1.20 per unit in the second week. The financial productivity would have been increased by 20% but with no increase in output. This is because knowing how to be productive despite being down, you could deal with challenges that would come along the way. Being productive will also serve as an inspiration that would keep your spirit high no matter how trying the times are. Although there are countless advantages of being productive, it's saddening to think that many people still don't know how to adhere with it. Thus, human resources personnel and corporate managements would always strive to set a mindset among employees and staff that would lead to attainment of targets and overall productivity. The most convenient and effective measure on how to start initiatives with the end result in mind is to initially formulate a working personal mission statement. Total factor productivity The total factor productivity (or efficiency) was introduced independently by Stigler and became the starting point for a major research program at the National Bureau of Economic Research. This program used data on output of the U.S. economy from earlier studies done by the bureau including the pioneering estimates of the national product by Kuznets. This can help anticipate these minuscule downtimes to be corrected immediately. Losses A company usually encounters these familiar forms of losses: downtime loss (equipment failures, setup changeovers, etc.), speed loss (small stops, rough running, etc.) and quality loss (scrap, reworking, etc). The key to productivity improvement is to know what they are and how to solve them. 

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