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By that, the progress and development of your efforts to achieve the goals would be measurable and comparable. Of course, being realistic is part of the game. You would not set goals that are too impossible to achieve, right? Otherwise, it is not a goal you are setting but an impossible and impractical dream, which could only be achievable by mere chances and luck. As one of the economic indicators, productivity is basically a measure of how efficiently an economy transforms its labor, capital, and raw materials into goods and services. Conventional productivity measurement In a car manufacturing plant, productivity measurement is straightforward. One is a physical measure where the total number of cars made in a period of time is divided by the number of worker-hours spent in producing them. Production monitors can be set up to show all the number of small production stops, reduced cycle speeds, and other normally-undetectable downtimes. This can help anticipate these minuscule downtimes to be corrected immediately. Losses A company usually encounters these familiar forms of losses: downtime loss (equipment failures, setup changeovers, etc. Experts say that once people realize that life is never-ending journey to learning, they will be able to find ways to their successes. To increase productivity, it is best never to stop learning because this opens up to new worlds of possibilities that are waiting to be explored. If one continues learning through read or by trying different things, he or she can gain more confidence to do things and start with new projects. Goals Unified communications sets to increase the efficiency of business communications. Information that can be received in various forms can now be responded to with more immediacy than information passed through only one form. Communications with more than one person, communications while traveling and the easy archiving and searching of all types of messages are some of the ways that efficiency (productivity) may be increased with unified communications. They include capital accumulation via investments, dissemination of new technologies, domestic innovative efforts, enhanced division of work, higher levels of education, organizational and technological production modes from world-class models, and the development of physical and social infrastructures, Impacts of productivity increase Higher productivity will first make its presence on profits and ultimately on people s wages. 

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