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What Can Be Done for Rosacea

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There are treatments though that will help people lessen the breakouts but these treatments should be done continuously. People who have stopped treatment had remissions. The struggle against rosacea may be lifelong but with treatments to control the symptoms widely available, coping with it is not so bad. It is important though that once you see the connection, you get help immediately or start to manage the flare ups because the condition has been known to worsen with age especially when it is left untreated for a long time. Rosacea is more common in women than in men and unlike acne, it often affects people who are older. Still, taking these oral medicines is closely monitored. Some medicines are not even recommended for prolonged use. There is a recommended number of months that it can be taken before it is exchanged with another form of treatmnent. There are also medical procedures that are being done for people with rosacea problems. The number one among these common triggers is sun exposure. The sun seems to exacerbate rosacea problem. So does stress. Other known triggers for resacea are spicy foods, heavy exercising, cold weather and humidity, alcohol consumption, skin care products and cosmetics, drugs and medications, and dairy products. Some medicines used to treat acne are also used for rosacea like erythromycin and clindamycin. Topical steroids are also used but care should be given because prolonged use can have side effects like skin irritation like perioral dermatitis which is seen on the areas surrounding the mouth. There are also prescription cleansers that rosacea patients are prescribed with. Some involve the eyes and the eyelids, and is sometimes called ocular rosacea. Anyone can develop rosacea, although those over 30 years old are most prone. It is also more common in those with fair skin and light eye color. Often, there is also a family history of rosacea. Beginnings Rosacea usually begins in young adults, in most cases. 

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