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In addition, according to some reports, running is more efficient in addressing anxieties better than medications. 2. Enhances mood When running, the body produces a substance called endorphin (endogenous morphine) that creates a different sense of euphoria. This state of euphoria is called runner s high basically because after running, individuals are in a good mood, are happier, and indescribably feel better. But these food groups are not quality calorie sources. More likely, the runner will get his same amount of calories but he will feel sluggish and may not be able to perform well. A case in point is a piece of cake that has an equal amount of calories as a turkey sandwich on multi-grain bread. Eating the cake will give him enough calories. Personal trainers are professionals who are knowledgeable and well-trained about assisting people to appropriately execute exercises. Through their help, safe and effective training programs can be achieved. They are accredited to provide assistance to physical trainers within or sometimes outside the premises of the gym. Running helps lower blood pressure by maintaining the elasticity of the arteries. During a run, the arteries get exercised as well, what with all the blood moving about. Running also maximizes the lung s potential, keeping it strong and powerful. Deep breaths force the lungs to use more tissues, but half of both are unused. If there are stairs at home or on your way to the office, consider running up or running down them. When you start the activity, be sure to do it right. Yes, there is a proper way to run so you would not injure yourself and your body would reap the benefits of the physical task. The first thing you should do when you are running is to check your own body posture. Treadmills are consistent and familiar all throughout. Aside from the safety factor in running indoors, treadmill users like the familiarity aspect of the equipment. What is more, you can set the speed and the incline of the contraption. In treadmills, you do not have to worry about rains, extreme heat, or snow. 

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