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Like the fingerprints that are embedded into our skin, all of us developed uniquely. And this very uniqueness can directly affect how self confident we are, from childhood to grave. Raising children is not enough. Parents must be careful not to affect their children's sense of self in any negative way possible. You may not have deliberately said it recently but since you are used to hearing yourself mumble- "I am a looser", or "I'm not worthy of anything", your subconscious self might as well believe that these are the facts. Even now as we speak, many out there believe in these statements. We were all gifted with talents and skills and beauty and wonder along with the gift to use or disregard them. But once we recognize our potentials, we will find that life has more to offer than mediocrity. We have to understand though that there are a couple things that we are limited from. But these are compensated by the fact that we carry the potential of excelling on other things. Controlling the reins of your moods and emotions can contribute to your over all confidence. At one point of our lives, we all have been our own critics. Undue criticisms don't only make us vulnerable to negative thoughts, they also affect our over all personal perspectives. Have you noticed how we criticize ourselves without even realizing that we cant utter those very things to other people? Depending on your focus, you can either help take out yourself from having too low self confidence or to land on the floor face flat. If you can redirect your focus on your attributes that will help you build yourself confidence then by all means do. Sometimes, even when people are around to help us, it is only we that we can actually raise ourselves back. All it would take is to gather everything in one heap and toss them all in one try with fingers crossed hoping that all would end well. The end is never the end of it all though. Depending on your treatment of things, the end might as well be considered as the beginning. The start of a new trial. All we need is to take the positive attitude and make ourselves believe that some things are meant to fail on our first trials and then luck would follow us. 

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