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E-commerce For small companies that cannot or will not rely on strong distribution relationships, e-commerce is an increasingly attractive option. Basis for marketing strategy The factors for competition stated above have been gleaned from researches of what consumers are willing to pay for. Overall, customers want: Something New Retailers and consumers clamor for "new," whether it means new forms of delivery (gels, effervescent tablets, functional beverages), new applications of or combinations with existing products, or all-natural sports nutrition products that are free of artificial ingredients and solvents. The relationship of carbohydrates and proteins were also discovered namely that carbohydrates promote protein-sparing in the body. It was also discovered recently that consuming carbohydrates before and during prolonged bouts of strenuous exercise can help protect the immune system. One of the most exciting recent developments in sports nutrition has been the rise of creatine supplementation. Sports Nutrition Supplements If one wants excellent performance, he must train well and fill himself with good nutrition. This must be clear to all athletes and health buffs. One cannot cope with mere exercise. A healthy diet and good nutrition must be the springboard of all activities. If that is the case, optimum performance will come almost automatically and naturally. Chances are, your instinct is correct. It's about time for advance sports nutrition. But before buying your advanced sports nutrition, there are few things to consider in assessing your readiness. Level of recovery between games First, several questions to ask yourself. Can you still feel the results you achieved during your off-season training? Athletes who have high calorie intakes of about 5,000 to 6,000 kcal/day may achieve 200% or more of the RDA for some vitamins and minerals just from foods they eat. Despite this fact, most of the athletes who are concerned with sports nutrition take supplements to boost performance. While vitamin and mineral deficiencies impair physical performance, research indicates that supplementation of a nutritionally adequate sports diet does not improve physical work capacity, endurance, oxygen consumption, cardiovascular function, muscle strength, or resistance to fatigue. Here are strategies to maximize the potential of carbs: -Start loading up on carbs at least several days before prior to the competition. -Carbs should be consumed in greater amounts in the duration of activities that lasts more than one hour to fend off the onset of fatigue. Another imperative factor in natural sports nutrition is proteins. 

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