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Maximize Productivity With These Time Management Tools | Dr. Cal Newport & Dr. Andrew Huberman

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And with that I do not mean the TV, the telephone and the chitchat - yet. - If you are like most students, there is a good chance that you are left with about 85 hours. - Take away your lecture time for the week. Let us say here (just for illustration) that lecture time is 25 hours. What remains is about 60 hours. There is no sense to it. Everything should be in their proper places, labeled, tagged and stocked except for that which is immediately being worked on. Finding things when you need them can already substantially increase productivity. - Job descriptions should be used properly. Working outside of the job description with the workload already required is inviting a disorganization to happen. The possible loss of a job, noise, change of surroundings, relationships going bad, fear, problems with other people and even the things that we imagine can cause stress. Aside from identifying the things that causes stress, stress management will include a good introspection on how we cope with it. Using our recognized coping mechanism that is helpful is a good start towards stress management. When work time is mixed with the personal time and vice versa, negative repercussions happen. The two can really not be mixed. Otherwise the body will interpret leisure time mixed with work as work and tasks mixed with leisure will still be work that leaves one exhausted and stressed and in extreme cases lowers down the body functions that makes one prone to illnesses. Even when you are already getting late and the car won't start. When it is already almost your time to make the presentation that you painfully finished yesterday only to find out today that some materials are missing. When you have made preparations as of last week to attend a daughters recital only to be stopped today by the boss for an emergency meeting. Here are some time-tested tips on getting the most out of time and relieving stress. - Let others work for sixteen hours a day. You do not have to. Realize that half of the 24 hours allotted to each of us each day are to be spent for personal necessities like eating, sleeping and toilet. The remaining hours is for travelling and other personal errands. 

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