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- They assign specific time frames and deadlines for doing things and sticks to them. When they start on a work, they rarely stop until it is finished, doing the most difficult things first thing in the morning. Phone calls and mails are done in one lump of time. Breaks and easier jobs are usually done on times that they know they are least effective. Delegate the things that you must. Floating work There are tasks that you can do anywhere that doing them now will only complicate your main task at hand. Recognize them and do it on your flexible time. Learn to compromise where it is necessary. The importance and urgency of a task can change anytime of the day. Being creative in doing and introducing different ways of doing things, challenging routines and habits, defending your plan and your time when others dictates on it and simply raising your use of time with the end view of being more productive and useful. Better said than done. These are ultimate desires and objectives of any organization and yet implementation is often met with so many difficulties. You can also start from the work that you like doing least. This action plan allows you to somehow maintain your pace as the day moves on. Procrastinating on things that you do not like doing can only accumulate and create backlogs, which means poor time management. - Allow a realistic time frame for each job. The conviction will be lacking, the integrity is nil and the message lost. It is critical then that trainers and speakers are chosen based not only on their agenda but also on their ability to discuss with emphatic understanding to particular working conditions. Failing that will often result to having a speaker who will coach the trainees on many ideas that the workers have heard already and end on advice that will be hard and unrealistic to apply. Yet everyday, movement is often mistaken to be progress when all one did was like sitting on a rocking horse moving back and forth and getting nowhere. It is often ironic that individuals who focus on the end results and not in being busy ends up in doing much and still have time enough for themselves.
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