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Employees who want to impress their bosses do this time and time again. There is no sense to it. Everything should be in their proper places, labeled, tagged and stocked except for that which is immediately being worked on. Finding things when you need them can already substantially increase productivity. Application of technology that processes multiple streams of data that identifies meaningful events, processors that support automated trading, exploiting shared memory grids, employing event driven financial trading systems are just some of the business application you might want to start with. Preparations to make bold and critical changes in the work place and starting to employ current technological advances may not make dinosaurs out of your competitors today but it can open up great possibilities for you and your business in the future. Failing that will often result to having a speaker who will coach the trainees on many ideas that the workers have heard already and end on advice that will be hard and unrealistic to apply. When choosing a trainer that will conduct the time management training program, it will be very helpful if they have had experiences in working the trenches because trainees can identify these and can have a better relationship with the trainer. How Time Management at Work Works Seldom are worthwhile things done that are not immediately met with problems that endangers its completion or threatens to derail it just as it is begun. Most projects when started will start smooth enough. Immediately afterwards something discouraging happens. Ask any businessman for example. This is why it is not included in the time allocation. If you however need it, block another 30 minutes per day or according to your requirement. The Free Time If you have followed the computation, you are left with 55 hours for the week that you can use. If you allocate 4 hours each day for socializing and doing other personal things like jobs, attending extra curricular activities, writing letters, checking on e-mail etc you will still have 28 hours for the week that could be spent further on study periods or your personal time. What marks will you want to see that will be your gift to yourself? - Once you have decided on that, compute the time that you have for the week. Let the week be our benchmark. Out of that take away all the time that you will need for sleep and rests, meals, personal things, errands and all those things that you can not do without.
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