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We do not manage time, we manage ourselves according to the time available to us. If we have to come to grasp and make the most out of our time we have to think of it as an idea. It is a myth that binds all our reference points and it is the most and only valuable resource that is available to all. No one has really conquered time all of the time but the few that made the most out of it are richly rewarded When we say time management however, what it generally refers to is its better use so that productivity and efficiency are increased because today, to continuously be competitive whether in business or in personal affairs, time management is crucial. When he goes down to his normal realities, the same problems and distractions, the same habits that have been formed are not totally done away with. It needs conviction to keep reinforcing the self. For some it will be touch and go for a while resulting in succeeding or quitting. Time management at work is making time in pursuing the goal. These are ultimate desires and objectives of any organization and yet implementation is often met with so many difficulties. For one, the environment remains the same. The people handling the workflow still has their own set of values and belief system and set of priorities that may take time influencing. The greatest thing that goes against it however is the lack of physical interaction. Another is the language, the amount of dedication that one could have in reading a book. The issue of time management is a worldwide concern but not every country in the world has a culture for loving books. Another issue is that people of other cultures may be the very people who will benefit from time management most to upgrade productivity and progress but often the very same people who need it most and want it most are those who can afford it least. Time management does not mean having to do too much. It is planning, prioritizing, being focused and doing the most essential things whether on a personal or on a professional level without looking for arguments and justification for things undone. As reasons for not doing things exist, reasons for not doing things also exist. Simply put, it could be the difficulty at spotting things that eats up time before it is realized. After the training and seminars that have been attended, it then would be easier if time management is seen not as regimenting a lifestyle but that of controlling it. Because schedules can not be avoided, unpleasant tasks can not be often delayed, and the rising of efficiency and productivity is the language of today's world.
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