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Once you adopt it for the first time, it needs constant nursing and re-enforcing. The person who works on it will have all the good ideas to start with. When he goes down to his normal realities, the same problems and distractions, the same habits that have been formed are not totally done away with. I know this is anal but often it is done that way. Time management is the ability to adopt to the limitation of time that is allowed to each of us everyday focussing on the envisioned end result and not necessarily on the movement per se. Good time management is doing things a little each time with well-defined purpose of action. One of the best benefits of gaining time management skill is that it allows the person to gain quality time for his leisure. Gaining time for the self to indulge on things that one enjoys most is to be sought. Being tied down so much to work because there is no other option results to so many negative repercussions, one of which is the inability to really do the things that one would enjoy most. Sometimes, managers and supervisors are the beneficiaries of the training and the same is taught to individual teams. Whatever the approach, time management courses are most effective when the individual himself takes the initiative to take a time management course. An individual who has invested in a time management course is likely to succeed, as there is already the realization for its need. It is imperative that time management programs then considers those mentioned above and the following: - Planning preparation and scheduling - Relationships building - Systems and process development - Anticipation and prevention - Developing of action plans, direction and strategic coordination - Crises issues and complaints - Demands from superiors and co workers - Reports, submissions and deadlines - Coordinated work with the general cyclical and action plans - Staff issues and needs. Failing to do those will find many of us having spent time and having done nothing much. Movement as we all know is not always being efficient. Yet everyday, movement is often mistaken to be progress when all one did was like sitting on a rocking horse moving back and forth and getting nowhere. It is often ironic that individuals who focus on the end results and not in being busy ends up in doing much and still have time enough for themselves.
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