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Also, don t buy truffles that are rubbery, slimy, or spongy. If you are going to buy summer truffles, it must be golf ball-sized with only minor flaws. Choose truffles that have dark exterior colors and white or light color in their exterior. They should also smell musky or earthy for white truffles and pungent for black truffles. Italian white truffles go great with pasta, eggs, butter, cream, chicken, walnuts, risotto and mildly bitter greens. This kind of ruffle is best when shaved raw and uncooked. They could be add at the last minute, so that the heat from cooking would not destroy the aroma of the fungi. Black French truffles are compatible with dark meat poultry like ducks and venison, red meet and red wine sauces. For example, truffle hunters have to take a test and get license first before they can collect truffles. If you illegally hunt for truffles, you can get arrested. 4. Look for clues indicating truffle presence Trees - As much as truffles don t grow in every forest, they also don t grow in every tree. So it s rather unwise to scour every tree for truffles because you ll just waste your time. Finding truffle mushrooms is like looking for needle in a haystack. It s that difficult. You need a great deal of patience and a little luck to be able to find a truffle. In America, people locate truffle mushrooms using a simple garden rake. If you can find something yellowish, beige, or reddish brown that resembles a potato, you might be just lucky because that s a truffle! Among the most sought-after types of mushrooms are called truffles mainly because it is rare and is so expensive compared to other types there are. Contrary to common conception, truffles the fungi type does not refer to the chocolate-covered truffles a confectionary that is loved by many. In fact, connecting truffles to chocolate is one of the misconceptions about the mushroom because these two are not related at all. Also known as the Piedmont truffle or white diamond truffle, this mushroom tastes like garlic and smells sweeter than the black winter truffle. It is also more expensive than its better known brother because demand for it out numbers supply. White winter truffles are harvested between October and December.
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